Environmental Impact on
the Body 3000 A.D.
October 15th 1998. SWANSTON
Melbourne Fringe Artistic Block. (a 2 x 7m replica plastic road block.)
Performed by Lisa Brandt, Intrallect, Jeremy Hawkins,
Punk Andy , Sam Star.
A process orientated performance where members in pairs alternately buried their partners
in a slow sifting process using different layers of coloured soil, sand, coloured pigment,
this experience simulated an earthing out; morphing back into the earth,; personal
relationship to earth; negative connection, during a ritualistic process.
Process: The person was laid in horizontal position and
wore a pipe ventilated mask to breathe, and the body had been oiled.
Soil was sifted over the entire body and was built up in multicoloured layers that created
valleys and peaks in a human landscape effect.