the FUTURELIC LEYLANDROID CRUEZr was the former omnibus of the OHMSNOTBOMBS between 1995 - 2000, the Omnibus travelled Australia-wide for many activist/dance events; BEFORE it WAS OFFEred as A GIft to LIXA brandt of FUTURELIC WHO mutated and reconstructed it into the fortified and robotised futurelic on-site production ship >>>>>> alias/ALIEN GARRISON, recycled from broadway squats - previous futureleic workshop dungoen gallery, and GRAFFITTI HALL OF FAME and futurelic funDs - AND reconstructed during 2001 - 2002 @ GRAFFITTI HALL OF FAME, sponsored by Tony Spanos. The fully modified 1974 LEYLAND LEOPARD has inflatable suspension, psycho-matic gearing and airbionicsteering and soon, a renewable energy supply to run independently for FUTURELIC events.quICKTime INside the CrEUSer p a n o r a m a
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